The Expertise Gap

One of the largest problems Technology & Data driven companies face today is a deficit of a combined ‘market’, ‘domain’ and functional’ expertise within their internal employee-base, and across the wider workforce.

Our platform helps bridge this ‘Expertise Gap’ they face by providing targeted Expert-Candidates as well as Expert-Advisors.

The shortfall in crucial expertise and in-depth know-how within a company’s workforce is a result of companies either not being able to identify and target the right talent, or simply not being able to retain the right professionals needed in order to grow further.

Where is the shortage?

Our Solution

At Marksmann, our ‘Tech & Data’ industry specialists have the domain expertise and functional experience of how to identify the right talent and experts in the market

We strategically bridge the Expertise Gap by enabling companies to access targeted Expert-candidates for recruitment & permanent onboarding purposes, and specific Experts-advisors for short-term advisory engagement purposes.

Executive Search & Recruitment
Executive Search &  Recruitment
Executive Search & Recruitment
  • Targeted sourcing-strategy approach & methodology used
  • Direct & indirect competitors mapped within each domain or segment
  • Relationship-driven talent attraction and management
  • Essential cultural fit & soft-skills assurance to hiring company


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Expert Network Brokerage & Advisory
Expert Network Brokerage & Advisory
Expert Network Brokerage & Advisory
  • Hourly bite-size engagements with market Experts via phone calls / video calls or in-person meetings
  • A lighter solution for clients who don’t necessarily need to hire a permanent resource
  • Companies gain tested experiential know-how and don’t have to rely on speculative trial-and-error decision making


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